Ms Iman Sulaiman Al. Maktoumi
Iman Al Maktoum is working as a lecturer in, Business Department, at Sohar University, Oman. She earned her Master of Business Administration in 2016 from Sohar University and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in management. Her specialisation and research interests include accounting, finance, and entrepreneurship. She teaches a variety of accounting courses.
- Masters in Business Administration, Sohar University, Oman, 2016.
- Bachelor in Accounting, Sohar University Oman, 2013.
Teaching Interest
- Principle of Accounting
- Managerial Accounting
- Financial Accounting
- Auditing
- Financial Management
Research Interest
- Accounting Education
- Cost and Managerial Accounting
- Social Responsibility Accounting
- Islamic Banking and Accounting for Islamic Finance
- Al Maktoumi, IS, Khan, FR, Al Maktoumi, AR (2020). Assessing the Factors causing Project Completion Delays in the Construction Sector of Oman using SEM-PLS. Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews.
- FR Khan, IS Al Maktoumi .(2021). Performance Evaluation of Commercial Banks in Oman Using Ratio Analyses.
- FR Khan, AH Bakheet, IS Al Maktoumi, NS Al Jahwari (2021).Entrepreneurial Preference in Oman: A Gender-based differentiation Analysis.