Sohar University holds event to make its students and staff aware of Accounting Fraud

Sohar University holds event to make its students and staff aware of Accounting Fraud

The Faculty of Business of Sohar University hosted the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) to deliver a compelling presentation entitled “Stay ahead in the changing world of fraud”. Recognizing the increasing complexity of financial landscapes and the rising instances of accounting fraud, the faculty aimed to equip its students with knowledge that goes beyond textbooks. A team of professionals from ACFE comprising Mr. Ramananda Prabhu (CA), Mr. Khalid Al Rawahi (CFE), and Ms. Fathiya Al Maskery (CFE) visited the University and delivered an interactive session to the students and staff. 

The session also shed light on the significance of professional certifications in the field of accounting. ACFE experts provided insights into how obtaining certifications can enhance skills, credibility, and ethical standards among aspiring professionals. The key takeaways from the session were: understanding the landscape of accounting frauds, exploring the role of professionals in fraud detection and prevention, and insights into various professional certifications and their benefits.

By engaging with professional bodies like ACFE Sohar University’s Faculty of Business underscored its commitment to bridging the gap between academia and industry.